Refrigeration Chambers >10m3


Refrigerated Storage Chambers - Available with Hygrometer! 

TRAPPED PERSON AND GAS LEAK ALARM with 24V Output for Powering Detectors.

Mandatory Compliance Solutionfor Cols storage chambers, Hygrometer required for unpackaged refrigerated products (BOE-A-2019-15228-4c).

Conservation Application: 0..+5 ºC

Gas Detection: Mandatory for volumes ≥ 10 m³.

Complies with RD 552/2019 and EN378-1, EN378-3 regulations. Optical and acoustic signaling at 90 dB.

Includes 1 emergency illuminated push button, 1 control unit (without battery), 1 auxiliary relay, removable terminals. TTL, Rs485 plug & play connectable to Glaciär and DGD gas sensors, 1 digital input configurable as NTC temperature probe. Programmable functions per circuit: door open or temperature alarm or gas detection maneuvers control from PLC, etc. Dimensions: 150 x 200 x 80 mm. Power supply at 230 Vac.  New 360Surveillance feature for controlling people, food, products, and refrigeration failures.


code: + Gas (Must complement the product with the Gas Detector...see models), optional

code: +H (includes Hygrometer and remote humidity probe, range 0 to 100 % RH, 4..20 mA), optional

code: B (removing the B from the code does not include Battery), optional

code: +24 (includes 24VDC output for gas detectors), optional

code: Cent. (at the beginning, example: "Cent."APE2-XL or "Cent.APE2-BXL... is just the control unit or the control unit with Battery)


(code: APE-1XL+24+GAS) with 24vdc output

(code: APE-1XL+GAS) the gas detector is powered externally

Examples: APE-1XL+H+GAS, APE-1XL+H...

Video tutorials

Alarma Persona Encerrada -Para Cámaras de 0..5 ºC
Familia de Alarmas Persona Encerrada

Support videos

Animación ..Por que se debe instalar alarmas de Persona Encerrada
Ventajas de la Alarma de OSAKA modelos APE1.. Y APE2.. con tecnología vigilancia360
presentación de la familia APE



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